Family Convert November 2017
KCONVERT by Karam Baki
In this topic, I will be addressing some amazing functionalities that can be done with the Revit families.Changing the hosts of Revit families without having to re-create them, and keeping all the parameters working perfectly,It’s like adding super powers to a family!
Now, here’s the thing.
When it comes to situations where you need to convert a family from (Wall, Ceiling, Roof) -based into something like Face -based family,You either re-create that family, OR
You use the Copy/Monitor trick (a bit tedious) and may cause some problems as the following family broke due it’s high complexity and relations with the host:
BCFier August 2017
free Plugin for Revit inspired by teocomi
Free and Open Source BCFier – Create and Open BCF Files in Revit
From the BCFier website…
BCFier is an Open Source BCF client developed to help you deliver better buildings.
Like IFC is the open standard for Building Information models, BCF (also developed by buildingSMART) is the open standard for Building Issues. BCFier is a set of plugins and standalone apps that handle BCF and integrate directly with BIM tools.
What’s the best PC for R? June 2017
The truth about chips by Ryan Lenihan
Last month, AUGI magazine ran an article titled What is The Best Computer for Revit, although the article goes into what management, the ‘superstar’ and the user requires, to be frank some of the advice within was absolutely terrible. The final paragraph states:
Google Drive as RS? March 2017
Revit Server easily-feel free / inspired by
Looking for an affordable alternative to Revit Server? You might just be in luck.
I published a post recently talking about the process for using Google Drive as a Revit Server. It was a somewhat crude method, but it got the job done.However, there might be a more effective method just yet. Jeffrey Pinheiro put together a post recently outlining the methods he and his team implemented for creating a $300 Revit Server to host workshared Revit files in a multi-location setup. This seems like a great solution, and the best part? It’s totally affordable.
If you are looking for creative solutions to multi-location collaboration, I think this is a really great place to start.
Happy Revit-eering.
PURSUIT RACE after false start /January 2017
New guidelines in BIM from the german VDI association ( Verein Deutscher Ingenieure ) in the early days of 2017.
VDI BIM Richtlinie Blatt 1- 4
Die Richtlinienreihe VDI 2552 „Building Information Modeling (BIM)“ stellt den nationalen Standpunkt in den internationalen BIM-Standardisierungsaktivitäten dar. Der VDI-Koordinierungskreis BIM hat in Zusammenarbeit mit dem für die Spiegelung der deutschen Aktivitäten in den internationalen Standardisierungsgremien zuständigen DIN-Ausschuss eine Übersicht zu den nationalen und internationalen Ausschüssen erarbeitet. Ziel ist es, dass die Inhalte abgestimmt werden, um so bei den teilweise parallel arbeitenden Gremien ein widerspruchsfreies Normenwerk zu ermöglichen. Hierzu gibt es personelle Überschneidungen in den auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen arbeitenden Gremien.
What about DYNAMO November 2016
First free DYNAMO bridge in Germany after Trump / inspired by Zach Kron
Am 06.06.2014 veröffentlicht
Setting out geometry for a fancy pedestrian bridge from scratch in Dynamo. I will follow this up with clothing this in Revit structural framing, and flexing.